How many PB&Js can you make in 90 seconds?

Use your mouse to control a hand which can drag and drop objects around the room. Use WASD + space to control your knife.

Completing PB&Js will add 3 seconds to you time, while dropping food on the ground will make you lose 10 seconds! Keep it tidy in the kitchen and don't waste food!

Make sure to read the instructions! We have a very strict way we make PB&Js around here!

You made it to the bottom, you probably want some advanced tech then don't you?

 Alright I'll spill... 

Try spreading Jelly or PB on more than 1 piece of bread with a single swipe of your knife, its tricky but you can get a double spread with a single swing and just maybe even a triple spread!

Also, things tend to fall right into place in the kitchen. Bread will slot right into the toaster, fresh PB and Jelly Jars always land with their tops open, and  PB&Js basically stack themself. Just make sure they are above where they need to go and let them drop into place.

Also, say hi to Gerald when you see him. He usually says hi back.


Thanks for playing!!!

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
Made withGameMaker
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Bready Set Go - GDD.pdf 563 kB


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Game play was simple and engaging. Everything worked great. Overall a great submission and very cute style. Good job!

Neat artstyle, nice music, and great concept.  I enjoyed the complexity of the mouse for the bread plus WASD knife spreading.  Great game!

So cute and fun! Seems simple at first glance but turned out to be a neat challenge. Love the art style and feel of the controls. Hi Gerald!!!

This was a very interested spreading Game and I thoroughly enjoyed it once I got the hang of it.

(1 edit)

This is really really cool. Sort of a multitasking simulator. I am absolutely terrible at it.

Lmao, I'm glad you liked it!


One great thing about this game is that you're your own enemy, because you can do so much at a time that you end up messing yourself up. Great concept!

I wish it was easier to grasp the mechanics at first with an in game hud based tutorial (arrows showing where to clicks for the first run for example). 

Losing the game when the bread falls feels to punitive, it's enough that you're loosing time by doing so IMO. And being able to "repaint" a bread from one color to the other feels incorrect, if this was intended by design, I find it a bad way to introduce difficulty.

This mix of keyboard and mouse remembers me surgeon simulator, which I love.
Good job !


Thanks so much for playing and for the feedback! Its super valuable for me especially since this is my first game.

I absolutely wanted to have a Hud based tutorial, I just honestly didn't know how to make one and I was afraid of running out of time lol. Next time.

I felt like with an arcade game style like this, where there really only is 1 "level" there needed to be ways to make it challenging enough that it felt amazing when you got that "perfect" run. That was my thought process when I made some of those decisions. But I also totally see your point with it being a bit too punishing. Maybe just a time penalty could be better, or to your point, losing that piece of bread might be punishment enough.

Very fun game! Takes a bit to get used to it, but really challenging and enjoyable once you get the hang of it

Love the game, I like being praised by the pretty woman's voice. Please add endless mode :)

super cool game. controls were a bit clunky, but once i figured them out it was interesting to balance the various tasks.